Is the evergreen magnolia hardy?

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 6 February 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
*9 Different Magnolia Trees* +Fragrant Flower Shade @ Yale+
Video: *9 Different Magnolia Trees* +Fragrant Flower Shade @ Yale+


Is the evergreen magnolia hardy?

As an impressive tropical grove, the evergreen magnolia in this country impresses many plant lovers with their large and citrus-like fragrant flowers. In addition, its dark green shiny foliage is valuable because it is present throughout the year. But as winter approaches, the time of concern for this good piece is approaching ...

Sensitive when it comes to frost

To be hardy, can be difficult - at least for the evergreen magnolia. Especially young specimens are sensitive to frost. Later, when this shallow root is properly rooted, it is frost-tolerant. Therefore, it is in principle not advisable to plant the evergreen magnolia at high altitudes. More suitable is a viticulture climate.

Varieties that are not created for rough situations

From variety to variety the winter hardiness is different. Most varieties on the market are sensitive to frost. These include, for example, the widespread variety Magnolia grandiflora, Galissonière '. But also Magnolia grandiflora, Little Gem 'and Magnolia grandiflora, Goliath' are little sensitive ...

Such varieties are suitable for wintery situations. Anyone who plants them in rough layers after a few years will see a high probability of flowering plants with a poorly worn crown. In addition, you have to wait at least 15 years for flowers in the worst case.

Especially frost hardy breeds

But there are varieties that tolerate frost better than others (down to -25 ° C). These breeds are usually from North America. These include the following specimens:

How to protect the plants

Evergreen magnolia on a high stem should be wrapped with fleece before the onset of winter in the stem area. The branches receive a jute sack as protection. The root area of ​​this shallow root is covered with various materials.

An evergreen magnolia in the tub should be relocated to a bright and cool neighborhood during the winter. For example, a well-ventilated staircase is suitable. Here is a care: Pour sparingly and do not fertilize!

Tips & Tricks

Remember to water your Magnolia grandiflora even in winter when the weather is dry.