Hydrangeas and roses - a fantastic planting of roses

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 18 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Favorite Roses for Cottage Gardens | Small Rose Garden Tour
Video: Favorite Roses for Cottage Gardens | Small Rose Garden Tour


Roses and hydrangeas get along very well

Hydrangeas and roses - a fantastic planting of roses

The romantic flowers of the hydrangea and the bright color of roses is for many garden lovers one of the most beautiful Beetszusammenstellungen. Especially in peasant or English-style gardens, a combination of farm hydrangeas and rose is doing extremely well.

Advantages of plant society

Through a companion planting you achieve an interesting design effect. Hydrangeas set behind the roses create a calm background against which the noble roses are particularly attractive. As the hydrangeas bring new flowers throughout the summer, they bridge the flowering pauses of the roses. Planted tonally, this companion plant looks noble and fits perfectly into a modern garden picture. Strong color contrasts set exciting accents.

The right location

At natural sites, roses can be found in sunny and airy places, embankments, rugged cliffs or meadows. They prefer companion plants that do not overpress or shade them. In addition, roses are among the more sun-hungry flowering plants.

The hydrangea, however, does not belong to the sunbathers and prefers partially shaded and sheltered locations. If you want to put both plants in a bed, you should therefore choose a place that is partly in the sun and partly in the shade. This will meet the demands of both plants.

To meet the different soil requirements

Since roses prefer a low-acid soil, you should lay out the planting hole of the hydrangea with a perforated pond liner. In there, place a drainage layer of expanded clay or gravel at least ten centimeters thick, which prevents waterlogging. Spread over this layer garden fleece or perforated mulch film and fill the hole with special hydrangea or alternatively moorland. Additionally, mulch the hydrangea with leaves, pine needles or bark mulch.


Hydrangeas change and lose the flower color depending on the pH of the soil. As a result, the color harmony in the bed can be disturbed. Using hydrangea fertilizer, pouring with vinegar water or incorporating foliage compost into the soil can lower the pH and affect the flower color.