Wunderbaum: What belongs to his care?

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 5 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Chain Saw Care
Video: Chain Saw Care


Castor regularly needs water

Wunderbaum: What belongs to his care?

You have chosen a variety of the miracle tree and have already been diligent in planting the plant? Now you ask yourself, what is important in the care? Read on, then you know it!

Early article Plant the castor in the garden Next article Is the castor plant really poisonous?

How often should you fertilize the wonder tree and with what?

The miracle tree is considered a starvation. When planting you should provide him with fertilizer in the form of compost, manure, horn shavings or guano. That gives a good growth spurt. Then the plant does a monthly fertilizer good. In a bucket attitude, however, it should receive once a week a portion of liquid fertilizer.

Does the plant tolerate dryness or does it have to be watered constantly?

Due to its large leaves, the castor evaporates a lot of water. He is therefore pleased if he is poured or irrigated at regular intervals. But he generally tolerates dry periods very well. But drought leads to slowed growth.

Pour the miracle tree from April to September, when the rain stops and when you keep the plant in the bucket. Make sure, however, that no jamming wetness forms! This plant then tends quickly to root rot.

Is a cut necessary?

If wintering is not provided, you do not need to cut the miracle tree. You can simply rip the stems out in the fall and dispose of them. When hibernating, it is advisable to separate the stems to the ground.

Does the miracle tree survive the winter without protection?

This is worth knowing during the winter:

Which pests are more common and what can be done against them?

That the castor is poisonous, snails little. They prefer to eat the young shoots. To protect the plant from it, you can put a clay pot over it every night. However, remember to remove the pot in the morning!


A castor in the pot has to be regularly repotted due to its rapid growth. Do not worry: he can handle this without problems.