Popular plate peach: tree has the same requirements as round peaches

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 17 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
When to Pick your Peaches
Video: When to Pick your Peaches


Popular plate peach: tree has the same requirements as round peaches

Prunus persica, as the peach is called in Latin, is available in many varieties. In addition to the numerous well-known round peach varieties include the hairless nectarines and the very aromatic flat peaches or plate peaches.

Early article Red vineyard peach - almost extinct rarity from the Moselle area

200-year-old gene mutation

The pancake (also known as flat peach or Saturn peach) was found in China over 200 years ago. It is probably a gene mutation of the conventional round peach. The very flat, pressed-in fruits are more aromatic and sweeter than the "normal" peaches. Sometimes these peaches are also sold under the name "wild peach" or "vineyard peach", but this is a misleading - flat peaches are grown on plantations just like any other peaches and are not collected from nature. Even with the vineyard peach flat peach varieties - of which there are now many different varieties - have nothing in common.

Dish peach tree makes the same demands as normal peach tree

Apart from the shape as well as the taste of the fruits, peach peach and round peach trees do not differ from each other at all.Both species love a sunny location, are quite sensitive to cold and prone to the widespread among peaches ruffling disease. Flat peaches show a wonderful pink flowers in spring.

That's what the flat peach tree needs

Pull a plate peach out of the kernel

If you like to eat plate peaches, pick up a few pips and use them to make your own peach tree - with a little luck and good care, you can harvest peaches from the self-sown peach tree within a few years. Keep in mind, however, that peach pits must be stratified; H. they germinate only after a few months hibernation. However, do not put the cores in the freezer as this will kill them. However, experience has shown that peaches germinate excellently when you simply drop some seeds in the autumn on the compost heap and finally look up in the spring - certain plantlets will show up, which you should then repot.

Tips & Tricks

If you like to harvest fresh peaches fresh from the tree, but have only a small terrace or balcony, then you can also fall back on a dwarf peach tree. This will be at most one meter high.