Cut the hydrangea "Pinky Winky" provides lush flowers

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
Cut the hydrangea "Pinky Winky" provides lush flowers - Garden
Cut the hydrangea "Pinky Winky" provides lush flowers - Garden


How much you cut your "Pinky Winky" depends on whether you want to promote the growth of the flowers or the leaves

Cut the hydrangea "Pinky Winky" provides lush flowers

The variety "Pinky Winky" is a late flowering panicle hydrangea that opens its initially white to lime-colored flower panicles in August. During flowering, the flowers turn reddish. Like almost all panicle hydrangeas, "Pinky Winky" flowers on this year's shoots and should therefore be cut back vigorously in the spring.

Cut down panicle hydrangea "Pinky Winky" annually

Panicle hydrangeas should be cut back annually, otherwise they will quickly fall apart and their flowering joy wears off. The best time to cut the panicle hydrangea "Pinky Winky" is the spring, even before the plant expels. Make sure that you reach for the pruning shears during a mild weather period, so that any late frost will not further stress the plant weakened by the cut. Since "Pinky Winky" blooms on this year's wood like almost all panicle hydrangeas, a strong pruning contributes to an increased instinct and thus flower formation.

Step-by-step instructions for editing "Pinky Winky"

When pruning the panicle hydrangea "Pinky Winky", the following procedure has proved itself:

If the panicle hydrangea "Pinky Winky" is cut regularly, a rejuvenation or Auslichtungsschnitt is not necessary. However, if the shrub remains uncut for several years, it must first be rejuvenated by a vigorous pruning.

Bigger flowers or bigger shrub?

How strongly you cut your panicle hydrangea "Pinky Winky", depends mainly on the desired stature height and shape. Heavily cut hydrangeas grow more compact and stay smaller, but they produce more and larger flower spikes. The less you cut back Pinky Winky, the bigger the shrub will grow over the growing season.

Tips & Tricks

"Pinky Winky" is very similar to the hydrangea paniculata "Pink Diamond", whose flowers also turn into a very attractive pink when they turn to bloom. The sunnier the location, the more intense the red hue turns out. This panicle hydrangea grows up to about 250 centimeters high and is cut back in the same way as "Pinky Winky".