Hydrangea "Endless Summer" multiply

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Hydrangea "Endless Summer" multiply - Garden
Hydrangea "Endless Summer" multiply - Garden


The Hydrangea Endless Summer can be propagated through cuttings and sinkers

Hydrangea "Endless Summer" multiply

Although it is much easier to buy ready-made plants in the garden center or in the nursery than these laborious to draw yourself. However, it is much more fun to raise your own "plant baby" from the beginning. If you want to multiply the farm hydrangea "Endless Summer", take cuttings of as healthy and flowering mother plants. Otherwise, the resulting cuttings plant will also be ailing.

Previous article Hydrangea "Endless Summer" - the right care for beautiful flowers

Propagation by cuttings

Hydrangeas such as the farm hydrangea "Endless Summer" are the easiest to propagate through cuttings. The best time for the cuttings propagation are the summer months of June and July, but you should select shoots without flower buds or possibly remove existing ones. To rooted these cuttings now, there are several methods.

Rooting in a glass of water

For water glass rooting, proceed as described:

Put cuttings in growing substrate

It is somewhat less complicated, however, to dip the freshly cut cuttings into a rooting powder and to poke them either one by one in pots or several in boxes with growing substrate. You can easily get stuck very tight. With the help of a wood, drill holes in the slightly damp soil and insert the cuttings with the interface. Then gently squeeze and pour. If you increase the humidity by covering the planter with foil or putting a mason jar over the cutting, the young hydrangeas root faster.

Hydrangeas multiply by lowering

The hydrangea "Endless Summer" can also be very well and easily reproduced by lowering. To do this, look for suitable, healthy shoots without flower buds and remove all but two leaves at the top leaves. Now bend the shoot down to the ground and cut the area to be rooted at a slight angle. This place is placed in a small hollow, fixed and covered with soil. The shoot tip remains free. The roots form after about a year, until then the young plant should remain on the mother plant.

Tips & Tricks

Like almost all hydrangeas, the farmer's hydrangea "Endless Summer" can be multiplied by division.