Sowing hops by yourself - this is how sowing works

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 16 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
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Video: Planting Oriental Poppies, Bare-root Roses and Sweet Peas


The seeds for sowing hops can be collected in the fall

Sowing hops by yourself - this is how sowing works

Hops can also be grown in their own garden. You can multiply the plant yourself by cutting cuttings or hops from seeds. Sow hops but only if you do not want to harvest fruits from the hops.

Hop seed must be stratified

If you have harvested hop seeds from your own hop plants, you must stratify them before sowing. Put the seeds in the fridge for a few weeks. The cold overcomes the germ inhibition.

This is how you sow hops

The best time to sow hops is spring. Fill the seed box or small pots with loosely growing soil.

After emergence, separate the plants and cultivate them in individual pots. You may plant the hops from May. You can put the hops directly in the field or as a blind for the balcony or in the bucket.

Whether a hop plant is male or female can only be determined when it develops flowers. Only on the basis of the flower shape can the sexes be distinguished.You should only sow hops if you want to grow them exclusively as an ornamental plant, privacy screen or to plant a pergola.

Hops better reproduce vegetatively

Sowing is not the best way to grow hops. They do not know beforehand whether female or male plants arise. Only female plants carry the coveted hop fruits with the lupulin powder.

Hops multiply better by cutting cuttings or rooting in the fall instead of by sowing. Only in the case of a vegetative propagation is it ensured that the characteristics of the mother plant are completely taken over, both in terms of sex and in terms of the aromas.

In commercial cultivation is propagated exclusively vegetative to obtain female plants with very high quality.


If you live in an area where hop farming is used commercially, you should better avoid sowing hops. If male plants develop, you must destroy them, as they could fertilize female flowers and thereby affect the quality of hop fruits.