What to do if the raspberries have too many offshoots?

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Raspberry Pruning 101: How To, When, & Why
Video: Raspberry Pruning 101: How To, When, & Why


What to do if the raspberries have too many offshoots?

Garden owners know the problem only too well. The branches of raspberry bushes threaten to occupy the whole garden. So that there is room for other plants, the only thing left is to slow down the wild growth.

The offshoot of raspberry

The raspberry bushes form numerous underground foothills. Out of them arise the offshoots that show themselves above ground.

If they are not dug up, new plants grow from them, which in turn form offshoots. You should therefore regularly check the garden for new raspberry leaves and remove them in good time.

Offshoots of raspberries can be used quite well for propagation. This is particularly useful when the raspberry plants in the bed are already older.

Use offspring for propagation

If you want to use the offshoots of your raspberries for propagation, you should follow the following tips:

Tips for composting the offshoot

When there is simply no room left in the garden to plant new raspberries, dig out the branches and throw them on the compost.

Cut the small plants several times or chop them before composting. Otherwise there is a risk that new raspberries will also settle in the compost heap.

Prevent spread of raspberries through offshoots

There are two ways to prevent the uncontrolled spread of raspberries.

If you put on a raspberry hedge or a raspberry bed, you will get a root barrier. The raspberries will not reach the lawn or other beds. As a root barrier, you can use remnants of pond liners. In the hardware store you will find root barriers made of stone or plastic, which you can dig around the bed.

Choose modern raspberry breeds. The new varieties are usually bred so that they do not spread so much and form fewer offshoots.

Tips & Tricks

Other garden owners may enjoy offshoots of their raspberry plants. Just ask neighbors or the hobby gardeners in the allotment garden colony if they are interested in your raspberry variety.