Yellow leaves at the hibiscus

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 14 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Hibiscus Leaves Turning Yellow - WHY & WHAT To DO?
Video: Hibiscus Leaves Turning Yellow - WHY & WHAT To DO?


Yellow leaves at the hibiscus

The hibiscus suddenly shows yellow leaves. Behind it can be a care mistake or a plant disease. With few resources, the right care and a little patience, you can quickly spice up the garden mousse or rosé sibling again.

Possible causes of yellow leaves


A large yellowing of the leaves may indicate chlorosis. The causes of chlorosis are often nutrient deficiency and too dark and too cool location.

For the hibiscus rosa sinensis you better choose a bright location, for example on the windowsill, but not necessarily in the south window. In winter, during the break, temperatures of 12-14 ° C are appropriate, in summer, the hibiscus may also be warmer. Sufficient nutrients are added to the plant via a suitable liquid fertilizer.

With compost or liquid fertilizer you donate your garden hibiscus the necessary nutrients. However, the garden shrub can not be easily changed and may need to be converted to a sunnier location.

Yellow spot disease

If the whole leaf is not yellow, but it has only yellow spots, your hibiscus is affected by the yellow spot disease. This is a viral disease against which you must proceed as soon as possible. Not only does the virus harm the affected hibiscus, it can also quickly spread to other plants.

The affected hibiscus must be set individually. You take off infected leaves and dispose of them with the garbage. Please do not give to the compost to avoid spread of the virus.

First aid for care errors

It does not have to be an illness when the leaves of the hibiscus turn yellow. Often he wants to draw attention to the right care.