Holy herb - Tips for household and kitchen use

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 19 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
Gordon’s Guide To Herbs
Video: Gordon’s Guide To Herbs


From holy weed may e.g. Tea are made

Holy herb - Tips for household and kitchen use

Holy herb, also called cypress herb, is grown in the garden because of the pretty yellow flowers. But the herb with the spicy aroma can do even more. The leaves refine salads and the flowers are used as an effective home remedy.

All plant parts are edible

Fresh leaves of the holy herb give salads a spicy touch. From all parts of the plant can be fresh or dried an aromatic tea infuse, which has a stimulating effect.

Proven home remedy for mosquitoes and moths

The fragrant flowers of the holy herb are a proven home remedy for pests of all kinds, which occur in the kitchen and household.

Fresh flowers set with stem in a vase or just put the flowers in a bowl of water. Place them on the garden table or windowsill to keep mosquitoes away. In the kitchen, sativa flowers distribute fruit flies and flour moths.

Dried flowers fill in sachets and distribute between your laundry. Bedding, wool sweaters and other garments are not only pleasantly scented, they are also protected against moths.

Soothing bath products

From holy herb can be made also bath additives, which smell pleasantly spicy and have a soothing influence on the skin.

Tips for collecting and drying

During the flowering season, holy herb is especially spicy and slightly bitter. If you want to use the leaves as herbs in the kitchen, you should collect them before flowering.

In the case of flowers, on the other hand, the strong aroma is used to combat pests of all kinds.

Cut the flowers from June and either place them in a vase or hang them up to dry.

Can be used all year round

Santas flowers and leaves are dried throughout the year.

Collect the parts of the plant on a dry morning if possible. The flowers are bundled into bouquets and hung upside down in an airy but not directly sunny place to dry.

The leaves are allowed to dry in the oven at very low temperatures or in an airy place. They are then stored in a dark glass.


In France, the holy herb is called "guard-robe", translated "guarding clothes". There, the herb can be found in almost all wardrobes as biological moth protection.