Cut dogrose as little as possible

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 19 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Dog Rose - Why Every Garden Should Have One
Video: Dog Rose - Why Every Garden Should Have One


Dog roses should be pruned very carefully

Cut dogrose as little as possible

Under the name "dog rose" the savvy gardener understands not only one, but different wild rose species, which are all in their characteristics quite robust and richly flowering. In addition, the shrubs are very vigorous and are not only suitable for a solitary, but especially for a dense hedge planting. Such a wild rose hedge requires little care, it also has little pruning.

Early article planting hedge roses properly Next article Successfully multiplying dogrose - step by step

Auslichten is better than cropping

Dog roses usually do not bloom on this year's but on the two year old shoots. For this reason, a pruning should be done very carefully, so you do not accidentally deprive yourself of the hoped-for flowers. In any case, a pruning is basically not or only every few years necessary, because usually suffices in the dogrose a simple Auslichtungsschnitt.

When clearing, all sick, damaged, bald or otherwise disturbing branches and shoots should be removed, except for this year's. The new shoots should be left on the shrub, as they will carry the new flowers in the following year. If possible, this cut should be made after late fall leaf loss (but before the first frost!), And you should, of course, immediately cut off any diseased or dead branches throughout the year.

Rejuvenate dogrose by radical cutting

About every four to five years, however, a more radical pruning may be necessary, as the dog rose bleaches over time and forms fewer flowers. A rejuvenation is therefore necessary, in which the dogrose is cut back by about a quarter to half. Be sure to always cut about five millimeters over an outward-facing eye or retrain, and always make the cut slightly oblique. Also this cut should ideally be done on a frost free day in late autumn.

Rules for pruning

So that your dog-rose copes well with the pruning and then can grow even stronger, you should follow the following cutting rules:


For the pruning not only of dog roses, there is a good motto: Cut weak shoots always strong, strong shoots but weak back.