Tips for cutting hoop Green Globe

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 15 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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The Hebe Green Globe is very cut tolerant

Tips for cutting hoop Green Globe

Hebe Green Globe is a shrub veronica variety that is grown not because of its flowers but because of its dense green foliage. As it is very easy to cut, it is often trimmed in spherical form and used for the edges of beds, grave borders or as a decorative green plant.

Hebe Green Globe tolerates cutting very well

Hebe Green Globe is very good cut compatible. She forgives almost every pruning, as long as you do not overdo it.

Gladly the evergreen perennial is cut into spherical shape, as can already be seen from the variety name Globe.

When do you best cut back Green Globe?

The best time for a stronger pruning of Green Globe is the spring just before flowering. After flowering, which is hardly noticeable, you should not cut back on Hebe Green Globe that much. Then the shrub veronica survives the winter in the garden better.

Pull Hebe Green Globe in the planter, cut it back carefully in autumn.

Smaller branches, which have dried up or disturb the overall picture, may be removed at any time.

How to get Hebe Green Globe in shape

A small shrub Veronica perennial can be easily cut into shape. For larger copies make a template or get them in the garden shop.

Start with the shape cut in the spring. Cut the individual shoots back by a maximum of one third. Then the shrub will recover faster.

During the summer remove smaller branches that have grown out of the sphere. In autumn, it's time for a last, careful pruning.

Use cutting waste in spring for propagation

If your Hebe Green Globe has survived the winter, you can provide for offspring in the spring. All you need is small shoots that will cut you off anyway.

The cuttings should have a length of at least five centimeters.


Although it is often read differently: Hebe Green Globe is not hardy. Just a few days with temperatures below minus five degrees freeze the perennials.