What to do when the stem of the Hawaiian palm softens?

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 13 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Hawaiian Palm Repot & Emergency Surgery for Rot (Brighamia insignis)
Video: Hawaiian Palm Repot & Emergency Surgery for Rot (Brighamia insignis)


Too much moisture can lead to a soft trunk in the Hawaiian Palm

What to do when the stem of the Hawaiian palm softens?

If the trunk of the Hawaii palm softens, this always indicates a care mistake. How to prevent a Hawaiian palm from getting a soft stem and how to save it if necessary.

Why does the trunk of the Hawaii palm soften?

Hawaiian palm trees are not palm trees, but succulents, which belong to the bellflower plants. These plants store water in the leaves. The worst care mistake is therefore too much moisture in the substrate.

A soft trunk always indicates that the Hawaii palm is too moist. She can no longer store the water in the leaves, but stores it in the trunk. If this condition lasts longer, it softens and bends down. The danger of the Hawaiian palm tree coming in is very high.

So you bow to a soft trunk

Like all succulents, a Hawaiian palm should be watered only moderately. Do not water until the substrate has dried up to a depth of several centimeters.

Excess irrigation water should never be allowed to stand in the saucer or planter.

Prevent waterlogging by placing a drainage layer in the bottom of the pot so that the roots of the Hawaiian Palm tree are never directly in the water.

Can the plant still be saved?

If you discover a soft trunk on your Hawaii palm, you can try to save the houseplant. This works only if the trunk is not completely soaked.

Place the Hawaiian Palm in partial shade and completely set the watering. The succulent does not hurt if it is not poured for up to six weeks. It can consume the stored water during this time.

If the substrate is very humid, it can also help repot the Hawaii palm. Take it out of the pot and rinse off the old soil. Fill the jar with fresh substrate and plant the Hawaii palm tree.


The fact that the Hawaiian palm loses its leaves in summer is almost always a normal process. If it gets yellow leaves in winter, this can be an indication of too much moisture. Sometimes spider mites are responsible for it.