To multiply a hornbeam over cuttings

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 9 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
Why Do Cuttings Fail? Propagation Tips
Video: Why Do Cuttings Fail? Propagation Tips


The best time to cut cuttings is in the spring or in August

To multiply a hornbeam over cuttings

A hornbeam can be multiplied in several ways. In addition to the sowing and digging of offshoots an increase is also possible via cuttings. This process is very complex and takes at least two years. So the cuttings propagation works.

To multiply a hornbeam over cuttings

The best time to cut the cuttings

The cuttings cut best in the spring or from August. Pick out half-timbered branches. They are most likely to form new roots.

Cut more cuttings than you need. Expect half of the shoots to go down.

Cover the cuttings at the top and cut them at an angle so that you can see where the top and bottom are. The halving of the leaves has the purpose to prevent too much evaporation of the water. In addition, the cuttings have more power for the formation of new roots.

Put cuttings in potting soil

The cuttings of hornbeams are not very well rooted. Therefore, it is recommended to use them below with rooting powder from the retailer.

Do not use humus soil, but lean cultivation soil. Place the cuttings in a shady place and keep the soil moist but not too wet.

It takes two years for you to plant the cuttings.

Protect young trees from being bitten

If you place the young hornbeams in an open space with access to wildlife, you must protect the trees from biting.

Even in the garden, the young plants are at risk, through mice that eat the roots. If you have many mice in the garden, plant the hornbeam in a wire mesh.

The mesh needs to be cut open when the tree is big enough and mice can not do much damage.


The easiest way to gain new hornbeams is to dig out offshoots. They are produced by self-sowing from the nutlets, which can be found up to one kilometer away from the mother tree.