Methods to increase the rosehip

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 3 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
Rosehip Oil - Benefits & Ways To Use
Video: Rosehip Oil - Benefits & Ways To Use


Methods to increase the rosehip

Creating an opaque and fortified hedge of wild roses does not necessarily mean that it costs a lot of money. The rosehip shrub is easy to multiply. But which methods are effective and recommended?

Sowing: For the patient

In addition, the ripe rosehip fruits are picked in autumn after the first frost. At home, the nutlets / kernels are freed from the peel and the pulp.

Since the seeds must take a rest phase before they are germinable, it is advisable to keep them until the spring, for example, in the refrigerator or dried in a container outside the refrigerator. Here is the motto: Patience is a virtue ...

It continues as follows:

Is the cuttings propagation recommended?

In comparison to sowing, the propagation of cuttings is faster and more effective. It happens in the fall or in the spring. 15 to 20 cm long shoots (with 4 to 5 eyes) are cut off from the dog rose.

Please note:

Increase by using foothills

Gladly, the dogrose forms what is linked to the roots. Over the years they make of it an impenetrable thicket. They can also be used to propagate the plant.

When propagating over the Wurzelausläufer, the foothills or shoots are separated with a spade. The best time is in spring or autumn before budding. After separation, the shoots are shortened to 1/3 and planted in a pases substrate. In this they should be watered regularly over the next few months, so that quickly form new roots.

Tips & Tricks

Probably the easiest way to increase rosehips is by using foothills. Usually not much can go wrong.