Cucumber plants in the greenhouse

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 13 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Perfectly Growing Cucumbers  in a Greenhouse. From Sowing to Harvest.
Video: Perfectly Growing Cucumbers in a Greenhouse. From Sowing to Harvest.


Cucumber plants in the greenhouse

In the greenhouse, cucumber plants can be pulled particularly well at a constant temperature and optimum humidity, protect against vermin and harvest several times. In order to achieve the maximum yield, one should pay attention to the peculiarities under glass when cultivating and maintaining suitable cucumber varieties.

The optimal location and soil for greenhouse cucumbers

Greenhouse cucumbers are sensitive to drafts. Therefore do not plant directly on the door, but in the wind-protected area. How to prepare the greenhouse floor for the cucumber plants:

Cucumber plants thrive in alkaline soil with a pH between 5.5 to 7.5. To neutralize acidic soil, it is recommended to pour in lime powder before planting the greenhouse cucumbers.

The right variety for cultivation in the greenhouse

Bitter-free and seedless F1-hybrid cucumbers thrive particularly well under glass and emerge as purely female flowering plants without fertilization. The germination period is 5 to 10 days:

Anyone who practices mixed culture and uses both male and female seeds should air the greenhouse more often, making sure that insects fertilize the flowers. Or hand-transfer male pollen to female flowers with a cotton swab.

Special care and trellis under the roof

Cucumber plants love it warm and humid. They are sensitive to temperatures below 10 ° C. Therefore, plant in the unheated greenhouse only from May. If you want to cultivate cucumbers all year round, you should insulate them in the cold with bubble wrap and equip the greenhouse with a heater and additional lighting by UV plant lamps.

Also important: pour cucumbers regularly and properly. During the main growing season, cucumber plants fertilize organically every week as they require additional nutrients.

Suitable trellis aids bring the cucumber plants up to the light, so that the shoots grow faster and form more flowers. Before the shoot tip abuts the greenhouse roof, it should be trimmed or lowered again. In order to promote fruiting, simply prune the side shoots in time.

Diseases and pests

Although the greenhouse offers more protection compared to the field, special greenhouse cucumbers lurk diseases such as spider mites and aphids. Too high humidity, waterlogging or wet leaves are the cause.

Always harvest time

Harvest freshly picked greenhouses. Cucumbers in organic quality up to four times a year - this is worth and thrilled every leisure gardener.

Tips & Tricks

Hot feet after gardening? It is best to cut a cucumber out of the fridge, put it on its feet and leave for 10 minutes. This refreshes and makes tired legs lively again.