Pickles - homemade classics with salt and Co.

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Alton Brown Makes Homemade Dill Pickles | Good Eats | Food Network
Video: Alton Brown Makes Homemade Dill Pickles | Good Eats | Food Network


Pickled cucumbers are a special treat

Pickles - homemade classics with salt and Co.

Everywhere in the trade filled cucumber glasses are offered cheap. Money savings is therefore not the reason why it is still worthwhile to plant the green fruits. The gain in taste is the driving force, and according to your own ideas. Preservatives may also be left out.

The two cucumbers

The different cucumber varieties are roughly divided into two types:

Cucumbers are often referred to as snake cucumbers because of their long and sometimes slightly curved shape. Another common name for pickled cucumbers is cucumbers.

Cucumbers are not only good for salads

Cucumbers are eaten raw or often land, as the name suggests, in a salad. They are usually slightly longer than 30 cm and have a smooth shell that can be eaten with. This cucumber cultivated mostly in greenhouses but is also well suited for insertion. Since it fits in full size in no jar, it must first be cut into smaller pieces or slices.

Casseroles - as extra grown for the glass

Casseroles are fully grown about 15 cm long. Usually they are already picked much smaller. For some people, this cucumber variety also tastes raw, although it is mostly used for panning or boiling. Her skin is firm and anything but smooth, sometimes she is even covered with fine spines. The weaker cucumber taste of the well-grown cucumber benefits from numerous possible additions in the dump.

The two methods for pickled cucumbers

There are two different ways in which cucumbers are preserved in glasses for a long time.

In the first variant, all ingredients are filled in jars and then heated with their contents in the oven or pot. So, some years of durability is achieved.

When canning only the ingredients are cooked and then filled into prepared glasses. This method convinces with a large variety of recipes and is also quickly implemented.

Some recipes also allow cucumbers to be put raw without cooking.

Required utensils

For pickling cucumbers, a sufficiently large pot and suitable jars are needed. So-called mason jars, which can be used again every year, are perfect for cooking.

For canning all glasses are suitable in which the cucumbers find space and can be sealed airtight. Old cucumber glasses from the trade may be used for this purpose.

Large old stoneware pots have a large capacity and are popular for the production of salt cucumbers.

Sterilization is a necessary measure

Regardless of whether the glasses are jarred or newly purchased, harmful bacteria can still stick to them invisibly to the naked eye. These would multiply over time and spoil the content in the glass prematurely. So that does not happen, all glasses are also sterilized after a thorough cleaning:

Prepare cucumber fruits for the long glass life

Only use freshly picked, perfect cucumbers. Commercially available pickles have often suffered from long storage. This can be seen in soft and often rotting places. So fill the bag of cucumber for cucumber, taking a close look at each one. At home, prepare the gherkins on the mason jar as follows:

    Wash the cucumbers under cold water. If necessary, use a vegetable brush to clean the fruit. It reliably removes any existing spines. Try a cucumber to see if it contains bitter substances. Generously remove the stems if the cucumbers contain bitter substances. Even putting in brine overnight is suitable and also keeps the cucumbers crisp.


Also make sure that there is no overripe fruit in the cucumbers. It could ferment in the glass and quickly destroy all content.

Intermediate step: immersion in salt


The iodine salt often used in the household is not suitable. It makes the cucumbers soft and the aroma weaker.

The ideal brew

In supermarkets, small bags of cucumber infusion are offered. It contains everything that makes cucumbers last. But there are also some additives that you can save yourself well. A homemade vinegar sauce is based on pure natural ingredients and is made in no time.

This gives the cucumbers more spice

The range of natural flavors that harmonize well with pickled cucumbers is huge, below a small listing:

Some of the acid can also be supplied by aromatic lemons or limes. Sweet taste without sugar is also, if instead of healthy honey or acacia syrup is used.

Recipe for pickled cucumbers

The preparation of pickled cucumbers according to this recipe is fast and worthwhile, especially for larger quantities. For about 2 kg of cucumbers, about 700 ml of vinegar and 700 ml of water as well as sugar and salt are needed.

The following spices are suitable as flavoring: dill, bay leaves, mustard seeds, black peppercorns, allspice and possibly chilli. Whether you add all these ingredients and in what quantities, you can decide according to your preferences.

Preparation step by step:

    Wash the cucumbers thoroughly. Slice the cucumbers and divide them into glasses. Leave about 15 mm at the top. Spread the spices evenly on all jars. Prepare a broth of vinegar, water, salt and sugar without boiling. Stir the mixture well so that the salt and sugar dissolve and distribute evenly throughout the solution. Fill the glasses with the broth, all cucumber slices should be completely covered. Close all glasses well so that everything is tight when boiled.

Canning in the pot

The ready-prepared cucumber glasses now only have to be cooked in order to give the contents shelf life.

    Put the sealed jars in a large saucepan. Fill with water so that the glasses are just completely covered with water. Slowly heat the water, then continue to simmer for about 30 minutes. Let the glasses cool in the cooking water.

Alternatively: cook in the oven

If you do not have a sufficiently large pot, you can also make the cucumber glasses in the oven preserved.

    Slide a deep baking tray onto the bottom rail in the oven. Place the glasses on the baking tray and pour in water until the plate is almost full. Turn the oven to about 200 degrees Celsius. Leave the glasses in the hot oven for about 30 minutes. Then switch off the oven. Open the oven door, but allow the glasses to cool in the oven.

Shelf life and storage

After about 14 days, the pickled gherkins have taken on sufficient flavor. However, you can take many months to use up.Cooked cucumbers that are well cooked in a cool and dark place can survive unscathed for several years. Over time they will taste even spicier.

Making salt cucumbers yourself

This cucumber variant is made without cooking the fruits and without the addition of vinegar. The cucumbers are the ones that cause a fine-sour note after fermentation. Even without sugar it comes out. You need the following ingredients per kilogram of cucumbers:

Preparation step by step:

    Thoroughly clean the cucumbers under running water with a vegetable brush. Wash the remaining ingredients as well and let them dry again. Remove the onion from the shell and cut into rings. Garlic is also peeled, but the toes are left completely. Lay cucumbers and the remaining ingredients in a large stoneware pot with lid. Dissolve the salt in water and pour the solution into the earthenware jar. Complain the contents with a heavy stone or similar object. Cover the pot with a kitchen towel and leave it in a kitchen corner for about 10 days at room temperature.


Do not worry, the slightly sour smell, the milky liquid and the surface coating are typical for pickled cucumbers and no signs of ruin.


After the contents have fermented for about 10 days, the pot can get its lid and move to a cool place. Pickled cucumbers are stored properly for about 1 year.

Conclusion for fast readers: