The pomegranate sowing succeeds easily

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 20 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Awesome Agriculture Technology: Pomegranate Cultivation - Pomegranate Farm and Harvest
Video: Awesome Agriculture Technology: Pomegranate Cultivation - Pomegranate Farm and Harvest


The pomegranate sowing succeeds easily

The rearing of new pomegranate plants from seeds usually succeeds easily. The planting material is available in large numbers in the fall and winter months. The pomegranate seeds are quite germ-friendly, so that even an untrained hobby gardener can achieve quick success.

When growing new pomegranate plants from seeds, it is not always certain that the self-grown trees will ever bloom. In the garden forums, hobby gardeners often report that the pomegranate trees and shrubs grown from seed sometimes flower for the first time only after 10 years.

The decorative, compact pomegranate trees are beautiful even without flowers and fruits. They are robust and easy to clean. Their leathery, shiny green leaves are reddish upon budding and turn a little yellow in autumn before the leaves are thrown off for winter rest. The pomegranate trees are not hardy and must be wintered in a frost-free room.

Seed and prepare seeds

From the end of August, the season for the pomegranates begins. Be careful when opening a ripe pomegranate, as the juice spills leave dark red spots on clothing that is difficult to find. The seeds are carefully removed from the fruit and must be completely freed from the pulp. Then place the seeds to pre-swell in warm water for about 12 hours.


Care of the seedlings

Depending on the temperature, the seeds germinate after three to six weeks, possibly more. A glasshouse or transparent film cover will help you keep the temperature and humidity level evenly. The temperatures of 20-25 ° C are optimal. A lot of light, but no bright sun is important for the good development of the seedlings. These are repotted as soon as the first leaves have formed.

Tips & Tricks

The seeds are won u. a. by sweeping the pips of a pomegranate purchased through a sieve. But you can also buy the seeds from specialist retailers for exotic plants and sow them at any time.

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