Golden nettle has long flowering even in the shade

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 27 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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The golden nettle blooms about in May

Golden nettle has long flowering even in the shade

The common golden nettle (Lamium galeobdolon) is closely related to the also belonging to the Labiatae other deadnettle such as the white deadnettle (Lamium album) and the spotted deadnettle (Lamium maculatum). Like this, the golden nettle also blooms in the summer.

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Golden nettle is a summer bloomer

The golden nettle that proliferates very rapidly and spreads over the ground as it begins to flower, as soon as the flowering season of the last spring flowers nears its end. Depending on location and weather Lamium galeobdolon flowers from April / May until late summer. Mostly the flowering period between July and August is over. Golden nettles may have golden yellow to pale yellow flowers, which is why some authors assign them to different subspecies due to the different flower color. However, this classification is controversial.


Flowering time is at the same time also harvest time at the gold nettle. Harvested and used both in the kitchen and in the medicine chest are the young leaves and the flowers.