What to do if the gold fruit palm gets dry leaves?

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 23 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Make Leaf Mold: Turn Fallen leaves into gardener’s gold
Video: How to Make Leaf Mold: Turn Fallen leaves into gardener’s gold


Dry leaves on the gold fruit palm can have very different causes

What to do if the gold fruit palm gets dry leaves?

Every now and then a dry leaf on the gold fruit palm or areca palm is not so tragic. If many leaves dry, you should search for the causes. Why is it that the leaves of the Goldfruchtpalme dry up and what can be done against dry leaves?

Possible causes for dry leaves of gold fruit palm

Proper pouring of the gold fruit palm

The gold fruit palm needs a lot of moisture, especially in summer. You therefore have to pour them regularly. Waterlogging, however, does not tolerate the Areca palm. Never leave water in the coaster or planter.

The irrigation water should be low in lime and room warm. Calcareous and cold water causes the leaves to turn brown.

A good location for the Areca Palm

Gold fruit palms like to light bright, but do not tolerate direct sunlight in the summer. If the sun's rays are too high, the palm will react with dried-up, brown or yellow leaves.

In winter, the gold fruit palm prefers a sunny location, but not directly behind a pane of glass.

Recognize and treat spider mites

Spider mites mainly occur when the humidity is very low. Prevent it by spraying the fronds with water more often.

An infestation can be seen small webs, which are located on the leaf axils. They are good to see if you wet the leaves with water.

If possible, place an affected Areca palm in the shower and shake gently. Then place them in isolation from other plants. As chemical control agents, rods have been reinforced, which are stuck in the ground. They are available from specialist dealers.

Cut off dried leaves

If only the tips of the leaves are brown, you may cut them off. If a large part of the leaf has dried, wait until the frond is completely dry. Then cut it so that only a small stub remains on the stem of the golden fruit palm.


Diseases are not common in gold fruit palms. Almost always it is a care mistake when the palm suffers from root or stem rot.