Plant clover in the pot or in the field

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 25 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
#1 Time To Plant Clover Food Plots and Other PERENNIALS
Video: #1 Time To Plant Clover Food Plots and Other PERENNIALS


Lucky clover can be grown both in the garden and as a potted plant

Plant clover in the pot or in the field

Lucky clover can be pulled in the pot perennial. You can even plant the ornamental plant directly in the field. However, lucky clover is only partially hardy. In addition, the ornamental plant spreads under favorable conditions strong in the garden and is therefore considered by some gardeners as weeds.

Next article Tips for the care of lucky clover in the pot and garden

Which location is suitable for lucky clover?

Lucky clover does not place great demands on the location. However, he would like to get several hours of sun per day - even if he is pulled in the pot.

How should the earth be?

The substrate is normal garden soil. It should be permeable to water, so that no waterlogging occurs.

For lucky clover in the pot, use potting soil or a mixture of garden soil and mature compost.

When is the best planting time?

Lucky clover may be planted directly into the garden bed only when no more frosts are to be expected. You should not bring the plants outside before the end of May.

When does lucky clover blossom?

Lucky clover blooms in the field from June to October. The flowers are white or white-pink depending on the variety.

How is lucky clover multiplied?

Propagation is possible via:

Lucky clover is sown in autumn, if you want to give away the plants in the pot in winter. Important is a bright and warm location for the pots.

Cuttings you can cut at any time - but the best spring is suitable.

Is lucky clover hardy?

Lucky clover is only partially winter hardy. For a short time he survives minus ten degrees. But it is safer to bring him into the house in winter and to hibernate frost-free.

If the lucky clover is in the field, dig up the onions in autumn and plant them in small pots. Before you have to cut off green leaves.

How poisonous is lucky clover?

You can even eat the leaves of the lucky clover. Nevertheless, caution is required because they contain much oxalic acid. For large quantities there is a risk of stomach and intestinal problems.


Lucky clover is so popular as a lucky charm because most species carry four leaves. These are not leaves, but leaf blades. Lucky clover is not related to the native clover.