Why is my lucky tree losing leaves?

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 15 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Saving Lucky Bamboo | Do’s & Don’ts | Lucky Bamboo Plant Care | Tips & Tricks | Bubbles of Green
Video: Saving Lucky Bamboo | Do’s & Don’ts | Lucky Bamboo Plant Care | Tips & Tricks | Bubbles of Green


If the lucky tree loses leaves, relocating can help

Why is my lucky tree losing leaves?

If a plant drops its leaves all at once, many a gardener quickly becomes worried. If your plant only loses a leaf from time to time, then this concern is usually unfounded. That's the same with the lucky tree.

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It looks different when your lucky tree suddenly loses a lot of leaves at once. He is not very sensitive, but in the long term he responds thoroughly to care mistakes. Above all, the Australian bottle tree (as the lucky tree is called) needs a lot of light.

A too dark location will leave its mark over time. First the leaves change color, then they fall off. In the same way the luck tree reacts to a too cool location or waterlogging.

Do you have a lucky tree or a lucky chestnut?

Even if it sounds like a lucky chestnut is a tree of luck, these are two completely different plants. While the lucky tree (lat. Brachychiton rupestris) belongs to the Sterkuliengewächsen and comes from Australia, the Glückskastanie (Latin Pachira aquatica) is a family member of the Malvengewächse and in Central America at home. The luck tree is relatively easy to care for, unlike the lucky chestnut.

The lucky chestnut is very sensitive if it is changed often. A frequent change of location can lead to leaf loss. Even if your money tree is too dark and / or too cold, leaves fall quickly.

Reasons for loss of luck and lucky chestnut leaves:

Can I still save my luck tree?

To save your luck tree, it is best to react as the leaves turn white. Place the plant in the brightest place in your apartment, in the summer also on the balcony. It should be warm there, however.

Otherwise, react when waterlogging is the reason for the loss of leaves. In that case, topple your plant as soon as possible.You remove all rotten and muddy root parts, then put your luck tree in fresh soil and pour it for the time being only slightly.


The most important action, if your lucky tree loses many leaves in a very short time, is to move to a warm and very light place.