What about the greenhouse price?

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 23 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
The TRUE COST of a GREENHOUSE KIT. What does a greenhouse cost after the hidden expenses?
Video: The TRUE COST of a GREENHOUSE KIT. What does a greenhouse cost after the hidden expenses?


Small, simple ones are already available for little money

What about the greenhouse price?

Even build or buy, what makes the difference in the greenhouse price? A generalization is, as far as a comparison of the different costs, unfortunately difficult. Just to compare the cost of materials, would be a Milchmädchenrechnung that does not quite work.

There are greenhouses for 189.00 Euro, buyers can spend for a prefabricated house but also 1.389,00 Euro and the complete sets for 4.999,00 Euro are also to have. All three copies with almost identical footprint, But to consider the greenhouse price alone as a planning criterion would be fatal. As with your own residential building, you usually only build your greenhouse once in your life. That it can come to very different costs depending on the desired design, by far not only applies to greenhouses. The quality, together with the equipment, especially in durable goods, almost always makes the difference.

Costs for greenhouses are all on the net !?

That's exactly what they do, and especially if you want to get a prefabricated house, you will find on the portals of the brand manufacturers reliable and transparent information about the greenhouse price. Due to the large number of such quite serious offers, it should be at this point of us as well no value comparisons give. The prices are and fall, depending on the season and ultimately the final purchase is for most brands also a little "negotiable". However, the so-called comparison or "test" portals are, with a few exceptions, only conditionally suitable for a truly objective decision-making. The technical or horticultural competence is missing here as well as the brand neutrality and the usually unmissable affiliate link leads always in the same on-line department store.

Greenhouse Price when building your own, cheap, but also cheap?

For questions that concern the greenhouse price, it would be dubious to make a binding statement regarding a comparison between self-construction and prefabricated house. For the costs of greenhouse cultivation may in no case only the material prices be drawn into the calculus. The working hours can be quite several weeks, a finished set is already after a few hours. In addition, the effort (in time AND fuel) for the procurement of materials in a comparison of the construction costs are not covered. And another cost factor comes to Selberbauer:

Tooling for the DIY greenhouse

In addition to a solid home improvement equipment depending on the design of the house also special tools are needed, which, if not available, bought new or in a hardware store have to be rented for a fee, Some examples:


If only a limited budget and little time is available, you should first get some comparison offers from several prefabricated house manufacturers. Then you set your own costs in case you do everything yourself and put a similar house on your own in-house performance.