The care of the Funkie: cutting, fertilizing, watering and more

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 25 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Watering & Feeding Bonsai Trees
Video: Watering & Feeding Bonsai Trees


Funkia often fall victim to snails

The care of the Funkie: cutting, fertilizing, watering and more

Funkia lead a shadowy existence - one might think, since they prefer to stand in shady places. But with their large, colorfully attractive foliage and their longevity, they are not perennials that one overlooks. So that your Funkie preserves its beautiful appearance for a long time, you should not underestimate the care!

Formerly Planting Funkien: Which aspects play a role? Next article Cut Funkia: To neglect?

How often should the Funkie be cast?

Funkien are considered extremely water-demanding. However, since they are usually in the shade or partial shade, they do not need to be poured frequently. Anyone who also applies a bark mulch layer over their root area only needs to water it during dry periods.

If your hosta is in the bucket, casting is more important. First, it should be ensured that the bucket has a good drainage, so that it can not come to waterlogging. Pour the funerals regularly in the bucket and keep the soil moderately moist. Even in winter, the earth must not dry out!

Did Funkien need fertilizer to look good?

In particular, young specimens of the Funkie should be fertilized once or twice a year, so they grow up quickly and get a large, strong foliage. The first fertilizer application takes place in the spring around April. The second fertilizer can be given after flowering until autumn. Compost and guano fertilizers are suitable for fertilization.

Which pests do you like to eat?

In addition to the more rarely occurring lily chickens, it is the snails that like to eat away the fresh shoots of the funerals:

Is a pruning useful?

This is noteworthy when cutting:


Every four to five years, you should share your funerals in the spring to rejuvenate them (at the same time, they can multiply).