Flaming Käthchen multiply over offshoot

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 15 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Flaming Käthchen multiply over offshoot - Garden
Flaming Käthchen multiply over offshoot - Garden


The offspring of the Flaming Katy are rooted very easily

Flaming Käthchen multiply over offshoot

The Flammende Käthchen or Kalanchoe is one of the lush flowering house plants that bring cheerful colors with their mostly red, pink or orange flowers in the living room. Often, these plants are cultivated only one year, but can also every year to flower again and also quite uncomplicated propagate through shoot or leaf cuttings. Only offshoots, which only have to be separated from the mother plant and planted separately, does not produce the plant.

Works almost always: propagation over cuttings

The cuttings propagation works great with the Flaming Katy. The cut offsets - you can use whole shoots as well as single leaves - grow very easily, so that you can easily, cheaply and quickly win a whole range of new plants by own breeding. The best time to cut the cuttings is directly after flowering, but you can always take off the offshoots in spring or early summer. Practically, connect the propagation with the resulting pruning.

Propagation over shoot cuttings

If you want to propagate the Kalanchoe by means of shoot cuttings, you should do the following:

Propagation over leaf cuttings

If you prefer to use leaf cuttings for propagation, you can use single large leaves as described above or in this way:

The new plants will emerge after a few weeks from the scratched leaf and can then, if they are grown large enough, are transplanted into individual pots.


Instead of instantly planting the shoot cuttings, you can first have them rooted in a glass of water.