Runner beans: Edible or just ornamental plants?

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 5 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
Scarlet Runner Bean | Perennial Crops
Video: Scarlet Runner Bean | Perennial Crops


Boiled firebeans are extremely nutritious

Runner beans: Edible or just ornamental plants?

Like flaming flames the flowers light up and the leaves make the fireboy plant an effective screen. But wait, is not this plant a crop? The question is: Can you eat fire beans or not?

Do not eat in the raw state!

You should never eat roasted beans raw! They are poisonous. It is the phasin contained in them, a lectin that is a toxic protein compound and causes confusion in the body. But this lectin is destroyed at temperatures above 75 ° C. Therefore, only raw raw beans are poisonous.

Cooked and fermented edible

You can eat the whole, young pods as well as the later maturing seeds. The bean seeds are extremely nutritious and saturate well. In addition, the flowers of the firebone plant are edible. You can even eat them raw. They are suitable, for example, as a decorative element for serving food.

While the flowers are reminiscent of the pea pods or the flowers of the pea, the bean seeds taste nutty and reminiscent of chestnuts with their floury consistency. You can also ferment the beans (sour beans). Even in this condition, they are non-toxic because the lectin is broken down by the fermentation process.

What can you use firebeans for?

Runner beans can be used like normal beans. Once dried, they should be soaked in water for 12 to 24 hours before cooking. This shortens the cooking process. Here are some ideas for preparation:

A Styrian specialty

In Styria in Austria, fennel beans are even a specialty. They are referred to as bug beans. Often found in restaurants is a bug bean salad. It consists of beans, onions, vinegar and salt.


If you have harvested too many beans and can not use them immediately, how about drying the kidney bean seeds and using them for stews and co later?