Peanuts are not nuts at all!

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 25 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Peanuts are not nuts 🤯 #shorts #mrflick
Video: Peanuts are not nuts 🤯 #shorts #mrflick


Peanuts are not nuts at all!

Botanically, peanuts belong to the legume family. However, they have many characteristics similar to those of hazelnuts, walnuts or cashews.

The peanut grows underground

Peanut is the seed of the peanut plant from which new plants can be grown.

Peanuts ripen in a bowl, which corresponds to the pod of legumes. The pods are formed by the plant underground. This has given the fruit the name "peanut".

Unlike other legumes, the peanut pod is very hard and does not dissolve by itself.

Peanuts can be eaten raw and cooked

Beans, chickpeas and other legumes contain the toxin phasin, which is neutralized by heating.

In peanuts, no phasin is included, so the fruits are also uncooked edible.

However, the high content of histamine can trigger a peanut allergy.

Tips & Tricks

Peanuts are among the most important staple foods in South America. They contain a lot of fat and protein. In addition, they cover the need for many vitamins and magnesium.
