Perfect soil for optimal nutrition of the plants

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 19 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
13 Essential Soil Nutrients for optimal plants’ growth, flowering and crop production
Video: 13 Essential Soil Nutrients for optimal plants’ growth, flowering and crop production


The use of high quality soil for the greenhouse is particularly important

Perfect soil for optimal nutrition of the plants

Before the first plants are used, one of the most important growth conditions must be ensured with an optimal soil for the greenhouse and precisely metered admixtures of humus, compost and other substances. Before that, gardeners should do a thorough soil analysis.

Even though the roots of the glass-awake plants are growing invisible and subterranean, soils, compost, substrates and the soil used for a greenhouse are important for growth and well-being. Not to forget, a healthier man Soil is inhabited by many beneficial creatures, which significantly influence a healthy rearing of the plants.

Earth for greenhouses and soil fertility

Basically, the soil for greenhouse plants does not differ from those of the outdoor planting. Make the difference higher soil temperatures under glass or foilthat allow the removal and remodeling process of the soil components to proceed much more quickly. Soil fertility is mainly characterized by:

Soil analysis as a basis for productive planting

Laboratory studies of allotment soil samples found that most of the soils are oversaturated with potassium, phosphorus and calcium. The reason: Compost, manure, lime and mineral fertilizer in the soil are much more nutrients than plants can consume. It is therefore advisable to have a soil analysis prepared in the laboratory, which reflects the actual state of the greenhouse soil and helps to avoid malnutrition in the subsequent planting. Appropriately, a sampling (500 grams total and well mixed!) To ten different spots in the greenhouse.

Homemade earth for a greenhouse

If the result of the laboratory sample speaks for an overall good structure of the soil, the greenhouse soil can easily be produced by mixing in substrates and other aggregates. Some examples show the following overview:

Source: "The small greenhouse - technology and use" Publisher Eugen Ulmer, 70599 Stuttgart


The soil for your greenhouse can also be improved from time to time by the temporary planting of green manure plants. Particularly good values ​​can be achieved with spelled, field beans, alfalfa and winter vetches.