The Eisenhut as an ornamental plant: interesting facts about the seeds

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 25 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
The Eisenhut as an ornamental plant: interesting facts about the seeds - Garden
The Eisenhut as an ornamental plant: interesting facts about the seeds - Garden


The seeds for sowing the Eisenhuts should be purchased from specialist dealers

The Eisenhut as an ornamental plant: interesting facts about the seeds

Despite its dangerousness, the Eisenhut is cultivated as a perennial and easy-care perennial due to its attractiveness in many gardens. The seeds are similar to a pyramid triangular shaped and usually dark brown colored.

Obtain the seeds for Eisenhut in the garden through the specialized trade

There are several reasons why you should purchase the Seeds for the sowing of Eisenhut at a suitable location in your garden at retailers:

Since the natural locations of the Eisenhut were partially decimated, there are no longer many natural occurrences of the Eisenhut in some areas. This is also the reason why the Eisenhut is now legally protected in many countries and may not be picked or collected.When it comes to flower size and abundance, the Blue Monkey-hat (Aconitum napellus) often can not compete with the varieties bred for the garden. If you buy the seeds for the Eisenhut in the specialized trade, you can also specifically select a suitable for your location in the garden subspecies.

Precautions when handling the seeds from the monkshood

The Eisenhut is one of the most toxic ornamental plants in European gardens. Therefore, you should keep purchased seeds safe until sowing. After all, the concentration of toxins in the roots and seeds of the Eisenhut is at its highest. In addition, you should always wear gardening gloves when sowing the seeds and also when taking care of the iron hat. If you do not need seeds for the propagation of already cultivated plants in the garden, then you can also cut off the withered flowers just before the formation of the seeds.

Sow the seeds properly

When sowing Ironhut seeds in the garden, be sure to choose the right location. In addition, they are dark germs, which is why you should lightly cover the seeds for germination with soil. Keep the soil evenly moist during the germination phase. In addition, the iron hat should always be sufficiently moisturized later on for a beautiful flower.


The monkshood can not only be pulled from seeds, but also be propagated by division. This type of propagation also has a rejuvenating effect on the plants.