Robust monosheet - location, care and propagation

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 20 June 2024
#TraceTogether Goes Open-Source: Why It Matters [Dialogue featuring PSP’s Harish Pillay]
Video: #TraceTogether Goes Open-Source: Why It Matters [Dialogue featuring PSP’s Harish Pillay]


The sheet likes it nice and humid

Robust monosheet - location, care and propagation

The single leaf, botanically named Spathiphyllum, is a very popular houseplant for home and office use. The plant scores with large, shiny, dark green leaves and a white, yellow or greenish flower. The plant, which originates from tropical South America, is considered to be extremely easy to care for and is ideal for hydroponic cultivation - this significantly reduces the already low maintenance effort.

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Which location does the single sheet prefer?

From its tropical homeland, the leaf is a high humidity with year-round consistently high temperatures and a light to partially shaded, but not directly sunny location used. The plant thrives under all the other tropical vegetation and therefore gets only little solar radiation. Nevertheless, it needs a bright place - but not directly in the sun, because their rays can damage the leaves. The room temperature should never fall below 13 ° C, better are constant temperatures of over 18 ° C. Even a rather dry air does not like the single sheet, so you should spray it from time to time with a nebulizer.

In which substrate does the single sheet feel particularly comfortable?

As substrate, you should use loose and nutrient-rich potting soil: a mixture of compost soil and sand is ideal, but you can also simply purchase commercially available soil for flowering plants. Ideally, the substrate with a pH between 5 and 6 is also slightly acidic.

How should you pour the paper?

The single leaf has a very high water requirement and should therefore be poured just as regularly as evenly. Do the finger test before casting: Once the substrate has dried on the surface, it is time to water again. In winter, the single leaf needs a several weeks winter break, in which the room temperature is noticeably lower and you also pour less and do not fertilize. This phase is ended by vigorous watering as well as a start fertilization. After that, the plant will revive and bloom.

When and how often should you fertilize the paper?

Since the single leaf also has a very high nutrient requirement, you should provide it with a (liquid) solid fertilizer about every two weeks. However, in contrast to fertilising other plants, fertilization should be done only after watering, so that the saline-sensitive single-leaf is not overwhelmed by the sudden flooding with salt-containing fertilizers.

How often should you repot the paper and how big is the ideal pot?

Until the single leaf has reached its maximum size, you should repot it about once a year - preferably always after the "winter break" in spring. The largest possible pot has a diameter of about 20 centimeters, more even the largest single leaf does not need. When repotting, make sure you have a good drainage layer of potsherds or expanded clay, as overly wet feet will not like even this moisture-loving plant.

Can I multiply the leaf yourself?

The leaf can easily be multiplied by division.This is best done with the annual repotting in the spring. Carefully remove the plant from its jar, remove excess soil from the root ball, and then gently divide the existing rhizomes by leaving at least one shoot (better more) on each section. The individual pieces are planted normally in separate pots.

Do you have to cut the single sheet?

A pruning is neither useful nor necessary.

Which pests and diseases can occur with the single leaf?

Due to the frequent watering and the constantly moist root ball, you should examine the potting soil more often for mold. If this is the case, replace the substrate. Pests such as spider mites or the red spider occur especially in too dry indoor air. Therefore, a regular spraying of the plant helps to prevent the annoying animals from even occurring.

What to do with brown leaf tips?

If the single leaf develops brown leaf tips, this is also an indication of too dry air. On the other hand, if the leaves show spots or spots, you have fertilized the plant too much. Plant the affected specimen with fresh substrate in a new pot and fertilize it less in the future.

Why is it, if the leaf does not bloom?

If the leaf does not flower and / or gets brown flowers instead, this is often due to a lack of light. Although the plants thrive in shady areas quite well, but then develop no flowers. Put the plant in a brighter location in this case.

What should one pay attention to when maintaining the single sheet?

During the summer months, the plant also feels comfortable in a bright spot on the balcony or similar, as long as the temperature does not fall below 18 ° C and it is not exposed to direct sunlight.


The single-leaf is not only popular because of the uncomplicated care, but also because of its air-purifying properties. The plant extracts toxic substances from the indoor air and enriches the air with oxygen instead.