Process rosemary

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 20 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
How To Dry Rosemary (2019) Four Different Ways!
Video: How To Dry Rosemary (2019) Four Different Ways!


Process rosemary

In the kitchen the rosemary is a real all-rounder. It goes well with fish, meat, vegetables, cheese and sweet foods such as jam or sorbet. You can use the needles as well as the flowers fresh and preserved


Processing of fresh rosemary

Rosemary tastes best fresh from the shrub, as it still has the largest share of essential oils. However, these evaporate quickly, so you should not store the spice unpreserved long. For fresh application, it is best to harvest whole branches and pluck the needles from them. You can add the needles in whole, but also chopped to the food, with rosemary cooking as long as possible. With casserole dishes, it is possible to have entire branches with you, which are simply fished out again at the end of the cooking time. Incidentally, the flowers of rosemary are also edible, they make a great impression especially from garnish over salads strewn.

Preserve rosemary

Both the flowers and the leaves can be preserved in various ways. Rosemary you can dry, freeze or put in vinegar or oil - just as you like. However, here too, as with fresh rosemary, you do not have to leave the harvested branches for a long time. Use rosemary as fast as possible to preserve the aroma. For this reason, drying rosemary should never be exposed to the blazing sun, which evaporate the volatile essential oils only faster. But whether fresh or preserved: Use only healthy rosemary pieces and leave wilted or dried-looking branches on the left side - these are likely to be tasteless. Yellow spotted leaves, on the other hand, can be easily processed in the kitchen.

Tips & Tricks

Older, needled sprigs of rosemary can be used as a shish kebab: Simply perforate meat, fish, vegetable or cheese cubes and skewer them on the sprigs of rosemary. Then the spiked skewer is drizzled with olive oil and cooked on the grill or in the pan. The typical rosemary aroma pulls through the branch into the food.