Is ivy transplantable?

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Grow & Use ENGLISH IVY | Homesteading | Prepping
Video: How to Grow & Use ENGLISH IVY | Homesteading | Prepping


The older the ivy, the more difficult it is to transplant

Is ivy transplantable?

If ivy is particularly well developed and has already reached its age, many gardeners would like to transplant the climbing plant. This is not easy and often not worth it. What you have to consider when transplanting ivy.

When should you transplant ivy?

Basically, any time outside the winter for transplanting ivy is suitable. It is only important that the soil is frost-free and that you then keep the plant sufficiently moist.

The ideal time to transplant is early spring or autumn. For autumn planting, protect the ivy with a mulch cover to protect it from frost. If you transplant ivy in the summer, you need to water it more often as the soil will dry out faster.

Preparations for transplanting

Cut the ivy far down. You can not transplant a tall plant without breaking off shoots. Since older plants are very vigorous, the ivy reaches its original height after a few years.

Prepare the soil at the new location by using it:

Dig root as deep as possible

Depending on the age, the root of the ivy can sit very deep in the ground. In order for the plant to grow well at the new location, you should dig up as much root system as possible without damage.

Using a digger fork around the plant makes it easier to determine where the roots are exactly.

The older and larger the ivy, the harder it is to dig it out and transport it together with the root.

Maintain ivy after transplanting

After transferring, cover the roots well with soil and cautiously secure them.

Water the ivy, but make sure that it does not get waterlogged.


If you want to move tall ivy to a wall, you need to tie the shoots to a climbing aid at first. It takes awhile for new hardy roots to form. Only then can the ivy emerge from its own power on walls.