Also in the pot or bucket makes ivy a good figure

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Elden Ring all night p2! March 3rd
Video: Elden Ring all night p2! March 3rd


Ivy is a very pretty potted plant

Also in the pot or bucket makes ivy a good figure

Ivy is not only a robust and easy-care climbing plant for the garden. Even in a pot or in a bucket, the plant is easy to pull. You can use this shady balconies, northern windows wonderful green. In the bedroom you provide with ivy in the pot for a healthy indoor climate.

The right pot or bucket for ivy

Neither pot nor tubs should be too small. Ivy can live for many years and forms a dense root system over time. Above all, make sure that the planter is sufficiently deep.

There must be drainage holes on the floor to allow any excess irrigation water or rainwater to drain freely. Waterlogging causes ivy to enter.

Do not place the pot or bucket outside on a coaster to prevent water from collecting. When taking care of your room, always pour water in the saucer immediately.

Maintain ivy in the pot properly

Do not allow ivy in the pot to dry out too much. Once the surface of the earth has dried, pour the plant.

Sprinkle ivy in fresh soil every spring, as the substrate quickly decomposes. If you repot regularly, you do not need to fertilize ivy.

Regular pruning keeps the ivy in check so it does not proliferate too much.

How to bring ivy in a bucket over the winter

Ivy is hardy. When caring in a pot or in a bucket, it may be useful to protect the plant from frost in winter. Cover the pot with burlap or other suitable materials. In very cool locations, place the pot on an insulating pad.

Water the ivy regularly in winter. Most ivy plants are not affected by the cold, but by too much drought.


Ivy in the pot is more frequently visited by aphids. This is usually due to an unfavorable location where it is too warm or too dry. Do not put ivy in the pot or in the bucket too well and not near warm radiators.