Fragrance geranium: What should be considered in care?

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 17 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Growing Scented Geraniums In Containers
Video: Growing Scented Geraniums In Containers


Fragrance geraniums tolerate dryness rather than too much water

Fragrance geranium: What should be considered in care?

Whether with pink, white red or purple flowers - the Duftgeranie (also called Duftpelargonie) remains blooming only as long as it is properly cared for. Nothing comes, nothing comes - the motto is. But which procedures are crucial?

Next article Incense geranium by cuttings or sowing

What role does the casting of this pot plant play?

This popular pot plant for rooms, balconies and terraces tolerates dryness due to its origin (Mediterranean). If you ever see loose leaves, that is no reason to panic. This plant usually recovers quickly.

While she is good with dryness, she does not tolerate wetness. It should therefore only be cast when the topmost layer of earth has dried. It is better to pour less frequently than rarely too much.

How often and with what should the fragrance geranium be fertilized?

It is sufficient to fertilize the Duftgeranie every two weeks. But not outside their growing season! From mid-September the fertilizer will be stopped. In winter, this plant needs no fertilizer. Anyone who neglects to fertilize, sooner or later will find that the Duftgeranie no longer blooms.

During the period between March and September, it can be supplied with a suitable flowering plant fertilizer. Whether in liquid form in irrigation water or in rod form is up to you. The fertilizer is dosed according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Does this plant need a cut?

Where can she be wintered?

Since the scented geranium is extremely sensitive to frost, it should be wintered:

Which diseases and pests can you play badly?

Geranium rust extremely in brown leaves. Pests rarely appear on the scented geranium as they feel repelled by their odor. Sometimes it can come to an aphid or spider mite infestation. Sick or affected individuals should not be reproduced.

Tips & Tricks

When the roots of the geranium grow out of the pot, it's time to repot.