Are there different types of spinach?

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 15 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
Different Types Of Spinach And List Of Varieties Of Spinach At Grocery Stores & Farmers Markets
Video: Different Types Of Spinach And List Of Varieties Of Spinach At Grocery Stores & Farmers Markets


From white to pink to blue or deep red, the color variation of the spinach reaches

Are there different types of spinach?

The spinach is a genus of plants that is mainly native to the tropical areas of South Africa and Madagascar. According to heat-loving these plants. Many varieties and hybrids bred from them are often used as indoor plants.

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The spinach got its name from the shape of its fruits, which are twisted spirally. The flowers are often bicoloured and are reminiscent of orchids in their appearance. They compensate the owner for the not so easy care. The spinach is also traded under the name velvet bells or African violets.

A small overview of different varieties of spinach

The flower colors of the spinach are diverse. With a stature height of about 25 to 30 cm and three-colored flowers, the variety "Harlequin" is one of the most decorative specimens. But also "Asia" can be seen, here are the white flowers pretty ruffled.

Also whitish flowers shows the variety "Streptocarpus saxorum", but with a delicate purple colored throat. Very striking is "Iona". The deep red flowers are outlined in dark blue and can be seen up to ten months a year. Of course, all these varieties are not hardy and in this country rather to be found as indoor plants.

What should I look for when buying a spinach?

In order to enjoy your spinach for a long time, you should only buy a healthy plant. If it has already been damaged before it arrives in your living room, then it may be difficult to save. Your new spinach should have brightly colored and uninjured leaves. Pale or torn leaves are an exclusion criterion. The substrate is slightly damp, but not wet. The more buds the plant has, the longer it will bloom.

Interesting varieties of spinach:


Even if you like the different varieties of spinach, you should also remember before buying that these plants are not so easy to care for.