The dragon tree gets yellow leaves - what to do?

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Dracaena Marginata: Brown Leaf Tips, Yellow leaves & Wilted leaves (Solutions)
Video: Dracaena Marginata: Brown Leaf Tips, Yellow leaves & Wilted leaves (Solutions)


Yellow leaves on the dragon tree need not be a reason to panic

The dragon tree gets yellow leaves - what to do?

The dragon tree (Dracaena) counts in this country not without reason to the group of the most frequently cultivated houseplants: The plant with the evergreen leaves is generally quite easy to care for, yellow leaves should be understood in case of doubt, but certainly as an alarm signal.

Previous article What to do if the dragon tree loses leaves? Next article Brown tips on the leaves near the dragon tree

Under certain conditions, there is no need to panic

Newcomers among the Dragon Tree gardeners should first of all realize that the thin trunk of the dragon trees, similar to some palm species, is gradually lengthened by the death of leaves from the crown. Occasionally yellowing and later deciduous leaves are therefore quite normal if these are the lowest leaves and green leaves remain in sufficient numbers at the top of the plants. In this case, you do not have to take any special measures and can easily pluck or cut off the yellow, dead leaves.

Care mistakes as a reason for yellow leaves

If a lot of leaves become yellow at the same time in a dragon tree, this can indicate a care mistake. In these cases, the yellowing begins more from the top of the plant and sometimes yellow spots are formed on the leaves. This can be due to the following reasons:

In many cases too frequent watering is the reason for yellowing of the leaves.

Yellow leaves as a disease sign

Yellow leaves on the dragon tree are not always due to care mistakes. Sometimes a disease like the so-called soft rot (Erwinia carotovora) may be the reason. Signs of this would be a fishy odor and muddy stem ends. Sometimes offspring of infested plants can still be rooted successfully, but due to the following outbreak of disease in the offspring in most cases, infected specimens should be better disposed of immediately.


In rare cases, yellow leaves are also caused by lack of water as an indication of the drying of the plants. With very compacted soil in the pot, it may be useful to water the plants once a week by the dipping method.