Sow lettuce: directly in the field or in pots

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Grow Vegetables in Containers-FULL INFORMATION
Video: How To Grow Vegetables in Containers-FULL INFORMATION


If you want to harvest early, you can sow lettuce in pots from February

Sow lettuce: directly in the field or in pots

Lettuce can be preferred in seed trays or seeded directly in the field. Learn here when, how and where to sow lettuce and what to look out for when taking care of the young plants.

Choose the right lettuce varieties

Lettuce can be sown practically all year round, provided you choose the variety: would you prefer lettuce at home in February to be able to harvest fresh salad in May? Then choose an early lettuce variety. You want to sow lettuce in the summer to harvest in the autumn? Then you should resort to a medium variety, because early varieties could shoot and are less heat resistant. Here you will find a comprehensive overview of the most common early, medium and late lettuce varieties.

Sow lettuce in seed trays

Lettuce can be brought forward from February. As soon as there is no frost outside, he can move outside. In this case, you can harvest fresh lettuce in May. For later sowing it is unnecessary to prefer the lettuce. Instead, sow it directly into the field.

Sow lettuce outdoors

As soon as frost is no longer expected, you can sow lettuce directly in the field. As a guideline, the ice saints are valid at the end of May. From this date, you can easily sow your lettuce in the field. Here's how to do it:

Harvest lettuce continuously

If you want to harvest lettuce all year long, you can seed lettuce every week. For sowing in summer, you should then resort to a medium variety, which is more resistant to heat than early varieties and thus can be harvested even in midsummer.


Lettuce also in the pot on the balcony or the terrace. Here you can find out how to sow lettuce in the pot and under what conditions it thrives.