Cranberries - the American relatives of the cranberry

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 16 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Cranberries - Ode To My Family (Official Music Video)
Video: The Cranberries - Ode To My Family (Official Music Video)


Cranberries - the American relatives of the cranberry

Basically, the cranberry looks like a far too much cranberry, which is why the American berry is often offered in German supermarkets as "culture cranberry". However, this statement is wrong from a botanical point of view, because cranberry and cranberry are related, but still show significant differences in appearance and taste.

Similarities of cranberry and cranberry

Both species belong to the family of heather plants and in the genus of blueberries (Latin "Vaccinium"), so are not only related to each other, but also with the blueberry. Both species prefer acidic soils and develop bright red berries, which look rather sour-tart and taste particularly good as jam or fruity sauce to venison. Here, however, the similarities already stop.

The cranberry

The cranberry is a creeping waxy shrub with very long shoots and roots. Above all, the plant prefers very acidic and moist soils in raised bogs. Its pink-white, delicate flowers are reminiscent of a crane head (hence the name "Crane Berry" = "cranberry"), the fruits are about as big as sweet cherries. Depending on the variety, ripe fruits may be bright red to nearly black. The leaves are narrow and ovate, tapering towards the front. Its natural range has the cranberry only in North America.

Ingredients of Cranberry

Per 100 grams contain fresh cranberries

The cranberry

The European cowberry is an upright dwarf shrub that prefers sandy, only moderately acid soils. Its white to red flowers are open like a bell down. The pea-sized fruits in the ripe state scarlet. The leaves are broad and ovate, also dull at the top. Cranberries, unlike cranberry, have very little pulp with many seeds. Unlike the cranberry, cranberries are not sensitive to frost. Its ingredients are similar to cranberry, except that the American relative has more to offer.

Tips & Tricks

If you have kidney problems or even dialysis, you should not eat both cranberries and cranberries. The ingredients stimulate kidney activity and are therefore harmful to kidney-damaged people.