Round, small, spicy-sweet - delicious cocktail varieties

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Easy Cocktails To Make At Home
Video: 10 Easy Cocktails To Make At Home


Round, small, spicy-sweet - delicious cocktail varieties

They thrive on the balcony or windowsill just as magnificently as in the large garden. Cocktail tomatoes seduce you to a healthy snacken, just in between. Explore the best varieties here for your own personal snack garden.

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The best red cocktail tomatoes

Immerse yourself in the large variety of red cocktail tomatoes and get to know our favorites. A place to plant is then found by itself:

Refreshing, yellow cocktail tomatoes

Like all yellow tomato varieties, the taste is reminiscent of lemons. This makes yellow cocktail tomatoes so refreshing.

If you would like to grow your cocktail tomatoes on your own, all varieties are suitable with the note 'Seedsfest'. In contrast to F1 hybrids, the seeds can be harvested and used for sowing in the next season.

Nice, dark colored cocktail tomatoes

Thanks to their chocolaty to violet-black color, the following varieties are also a wonderful eye candy on the balcony, the terrace and in the garden.

Tips & Tricks

Cocktail tomatoes score among others with a thin, delicate shell. Therefore, make sure you have a reliable rain cover and a steady irrigation, so that the small fruits do not burst.