The proper care of the club lily Cordyline australis

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 8 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
Care tips for the Cordyline Plant | Donna Joshi
Video: Care tips for the Cordyline Plant | Donna Joshi


The Cordyline australis is not from Australia but from New Zealand

The proper care of the club lily Cordyline australis

Although the botanical name suggests, the Cordyline australis is not from Australia but from New Zealand. In her home country she can grow up to twelve meters high. However, she does not reach this size when caring for the tub. How to maintain Cordyline australis.

How do you properly pour Cordyline australis?

The root ball should never completely dry out. Pour regularly. Excess irrigation water must be poured off immediately, otherwise there is a risk of root rot.

Does Cordyline australis need fertilizers on a regular basis?

In summer, the nutrient requirement is higher than in winter. Fertilize during the growth period at least every two weeks with a commercially available liquid fertilizer.

If the plant was repotted in the spring, it needs additional nutrients only after two months.

Do you have to cut club lilies?

Absolutely necessary, the cutting is not. If you want to get Cordyline australis in shape, grab the scissors in spring. Maintaining the interface, new shoots often form, creating a multi-leaf container plant.

When do I have to repackage?

Every two to three years, the Cordyline australis should be transplanted to a larger pot of fresh soil in spring.

Which diseases and pests can occur?

Diseases rarely occur. If the humidity is too high, the roots rot.

Aphids and scale insects find Cordyline australis at low humidity. Examine the plant regularly and make sure the air is not too dry.

How is Cordyline australis wintered?

Cordyline australis is a cold-keyed club lily that is not hardy. In summer, it may be on the terrace or the balcony outdoors. If the temperatures fall below eight degrees, the club lily must move to winter quarters.

There it hibernates at a bright, between eight and twelve degrees warm, bright location. From April, she is slowly getting used to the fresh air and sun.


Unlike other club lilies, Cordyline australis tolerates direct sunlight quite well. C. terminalis, fruticosa and indivisia, on the other hand, have to stand very bright, but develop their beautiful colors better in partial shade.