Motherwort - plant the popular nutrient pasture of bumblebees

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 7 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
Permaculture Herb: Motherwort - Leonurus cardiaca
Video: Permaculture Herb: Motherwort - Leonurus cardiaca


In the spring, the motherwort can be sown directly in the field

Motherwort - plant the popular nutrient pasture of bumblebees

The heart, however, not only laughs at the insect world in view of the nectar-rich lip flowers from the motherwort. Even for you, these perennials can be a joy - provided you have planted them properly ...

At which location does the motherwort grow best?

The motherwort grows well in both sunny and partially shaded locations. Optimal protected layers are suitable as for example on a wall or a fence.

How should the soil be?

Also, the wishes of this plant to the ground are easy to meet. Normal garden soil usually meets the requirements. The following characteristics of the earth prove to be advantageous:

How and when does the sowing take place?

It is best to sow the motherwort in the spring. From then on it has been in the garden for several years. The seeds can be pre-cultivated at home from March to May. Direct sowing is possible from April to June. Attention: The seeds of the motherwort are light germs. They should only be pressed lightly and not covered with earth!

When should you buy purchased seedlings in the garden?

If you decide to buy purchased seedlings and plant them in the garden, you should ideally tackle this between June and August. Then it often comes in the same year to a flower.

When does the flowering of the mother and heart begin and how long does it last?

From June, the first flowers usually open. They are upright inflorescences, which are composed of many small single flowers that are like a whorl of the inflorescences and are colored pink. The flowering period can last until September.

Which plant neighbors harmonize with the motherwort?

The motherwort looks attractive in individual position as well as other perennials, as long as you keep a planting distance of at least 40 cm. Good plant neighbors are for example:


If you do not cut off the withered flowers, the motherwort also likes to sow itself. If you do not fight it, the plant spreads over a large area within a few years.