The pansy sowing succeeds easily

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 13 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Planting flowers | How to grow Pansy from seeds | Growing pansies from seed
Video: Planting flowers | How to grow Pansy from seeds | Growing pansies from seed


Even seeded pansies are more robust than purchased ones

The pansy sowing succeeds easily

Although pulling pansies out of seeds requires a little more effort than buying finished plants from the gardener. The small effort is worth it, however, because the self-seeded flowers are more resistant and bloom more enduringly.

Preparation of the soil and seed purchase

The soil for sowing should be rich in nutrients and low in lime. In the field is recommended composting addition, for sowing in the boxes in winter, the usual garden soil. Since the pansies are weak-eaters, further fertilization is hardly necessary later. The location for field sowing should not be too sunny. At the soil temperature of not more than 15 degrees, the germination time is about two weeks.

Most of the large-flowered pansies are F1 hybrids, which makes them unsuitable for harvesting seeds. In the trade, both the seeds of garden pansies and horned violets are offered in a wide variety of varieties. In addition to the naturally occurring colors of white, yellow and purple, the pansies are available in dark to brown red, midnight blue, orange and many other colors and shades.

Sowing in a few steps

The timing for sowing depends on when the pansies are supposed to flower. If you bring the seeds into the soil in June, you can expect the first flowering already in October / November. If the sowing takes place in September, the first flowers come in the spring of the following year. For the summer flowering, the seeds can also be preferred in winter in a cool room and later converted into outdoor or window boxes. When sowing the following notes are to be observed:

Tips & Tricks

The pansy flowers are edible. With the self-grown plants, you can be sure that they were grown free of pesticides.