Plant Clematis in the pot - that's how it thrives on the balcony

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 4 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Plant Clematis in the pot - that's how it thrives on the balcony - Garden
Plant Clematis in the pot - that's how it thrives on the balcony - Garden


Plant Clematis in the pot - that's how it thrives on the balcony

In the bucket the clematis turns out to be a splendid ornament on the balcony. In order for the Clematis to develop its magnificent flowers at this location, several important aspects must be taken into account during planting. Read here what to look for.

So should be bucket, substrate and location

In order for a clematis to spread its powerful root system, the pot must not be too small. The ideal bucket has a volume of at least 20 liters and a bottom opening as a drain. The climbing plant develops its full potential in this substrate:

Home to sparse forests, clematis seek the sun for their flowers and want to be in the shade with their roots. Therefore, choose a location on the balcony on a west-facing, sunny and sheltered house wall.

Professionally planting clematis in a pot - that's the way it works

In the wild Clematis thrives in permeable forest soil as she climbs the trees on the trees. With waterlogging the clematis therefore do not want to be confronted. Plant the flower beauty on the balcony preferably in these steps:

If there is no climbing aid on the wall, it will be installed afterwards. For a natural appearance on the balcony a wooden trellis is recommended. Alternatively, plant a clematis in the flower box or bucket with integrated climbing aid. Depending on the variety, the clematis shows a vigorous vigor in the day. Within a short time, the first tendrils are to be fixed.

Tips & Tricks

If the bucket provides enough space, a carefully chosen planting provides the desired shading in the root area. Plant the clematis on the balcony in company with blue cushions, purple bells, funerals or other competitive, short-lived neighbors.