Recognize and treat diseases and pests in good time

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 21 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Pests/ diseases | Your questions | Our answers | Gardening Australia
Video: Pests/ diseases | Your questions | Our answers | Gardening Australia


Recognize and treat diseases and pests in good time

Chilies do not demand much from the gardener in their cultivation. Unfortunately, diseases and pests always cause misgivings. If the symptoms are common, a whole arsenal of control agents is ready for immediate resistance.

The main diseases - diagnosis and control

Powdery mildew

The pericarp preferably uses leaf injuries by lice as access to the plant. In the bed, in the greenhouse and in the room appears a floury coating on the leaf tops.

Wrong mildew

The fungal spores penetrate deep into the plants. On the leaf undersides, they create a greyish coating. Yellow-brown spots spread and endanger the chili plant.

Verticillium wilt

These mushrooms drift up to temperatures below 20 degrees Celsius. The juice flow is stopped, the plant parts wither and die.

Aphids - the main actor among the pests

Lice are considered the largest affliction in the hobby garden. Above all the omnipresent aphids. They sting the tissue and suck chili's life. To make matters worse, they are capable of virgin generation. The result is an explosive increase.

Failures in care pave the way for lice. If the site is poorly ventilated, too cold and dark, it promotes the spread. In addition, lice feel well on permanently moist leaves. If an inadequate supply of water and nutrients is added, the disaster is inevitable.
Since chemical preparations on crops have no business, proven home remedies are needed:

Recommended is the use of primary rock meal. Spotted on the dewy leaves with a powder spray, after a few weeks the spook is usually over.

The most common pests - diagnosis and defense

spider mites

Mites also suck the sap. The chili is severely weakened and dies.

fungus gnats

It is the 1-2 mm small larvae that cause damage to the plants. They like to eat tender roots and seedlings.


In the field and on the balcony they lurk in droves. Voracious slugs kill the leaves and rob the plants of their vitality.

Tips & Tricks

Biological crop protection is often talked about an effective greasy soap solution that kills numerous diseases and pests. To make the mix: Mix 1 liter of water, 15 ml of pure curd soap and 15 ml of spirit well and apply repeatedly until the pest is finished. Always treat the leaf undersides.