To keep the rock garden free of weeds

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 25 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
How We Maintain Our Gravel Driveway and Keep it Free of Weeds! 🌿 // Garden Answer
Video: How We Maintain Our Gravel Driveway and Keep it Free of Weeds! 🌿 // Garden Answer


Weeds can not be completely avoided even in the rock garden

To keep the rock garden free of weeds

Weeding is probably one of the most unpopular activities in the garden - no wonder, as squatting on the ground and single tears are very tedious. Especially in the rock garden fighting annoying weeds can be quite tedious, after all, not all areas can be easily reached. With our tips, this work will be easier for you.

Saves a lot of work later: Preventing weeds when creating the rock garden

Experience has shown that unwanted weeds proliferate, especially in the first few years after the creation of a new garden. Due to the intensive soil tillage so far sleeping plant seeds reach the earth surface, which can finally drive out.In addition, we often find weeds that cling to the tufts of leaves or to the roots attached to the roots, which you have seen from the perennial nursery or your nice neighbor for nothing. Therefore, defy the beginnings by choosing

Effectively combat various weed species

Basically, the gardener distinguishes between two types of weeds, in the fight against which different priorities should be taken.

seeds weeds

Many flowering plants belong to the seed weeds, which multiply primarily by their seeds. In order to curb spreading, you need to remove these weeds before they are made to bloom - once the seeds have formed, it is already too late. Seed weeds develop particularly well on open ground surfaces, which is why intensive mulching with rock chips can stop the spread for a while.

root weeds

On the other hand, root weeds are much more difficult to combat, which includes many grasses. Even the dreaded greed belongs to this group. Many of these plants form underground deep and long rhizomes that are difficult to remove. In addition, even from the smallest remaining root pieces drive out new plants. In stubborn cases, only herbicides (if possible from a biological basis) help here, but they are not applied flatly but directly to the weeds.


When laying the rock garden, remember to lay stepping stones, etc. These should be positioned so that you can easily get anywhere without having to step directly onto the plants.