The leaves of Calathea are hanging down - why is that?

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 27 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to avoid Calathea leaves Wilting, Curling, Browning
Video: How to avoid Calathea leaves Wilting, Curling, Browning


Too much moisture can cause the calathea leaves to hang

The leaves of Calathea are hanging down - why is that?

If the leaves of Calathea are hanging down, this is almost never due to a disease, but the houseplant is not properly maintained. Just as often, a bad location of the Korbmarante can lead to hanging leaves. This will prevent the Calathea from hanging its leaves.

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Why are the leaves of Calathea hanging down?

The Calathea is a very demanding houseplant. Many species are mainly pulled because of the beautifully patterned leaves. However, the beauty quickly suffers when the leaves hang down, discolour or curl up.

The reasons for hanging leaves of the calathea are manifold. The following causes are possible:

A favorable location for the Korbmarante

Regarding the location, the Calathea is particularly demanding. She likes it neither directly sunny nor may the humidity be too low. Even cold feet she does not love.

A big problem with caring for Calathea is finding a location where it does not pull. Drafts do not tolerate the Korbmarante. She responds by letting the leaves hang.

Find a location that is sheltered and not directly sunny. You can even keep Calathea in a place that is too dark for most houseplants. In summer, temperatures should always be between 20 and 25 degrees. In winter, they must not fall below 18 degrees.

Proper casting of Calathea!

Even when watering the Calathea is squeamish. It does not like waterlogging, but does not tolerate complete dryness. Her favorite is when the bale is always slightly damp.

The humidity must be relatively high. This is often a problem especially in winter, which can be solved by setting up water bowls and frequent spraying of the leaves.

Calcified water is harmful and may also cause the leaves to curl up. Use rainwater if possible.


If the leaves of the calathea turn yellow, it is an indication of overfertilization. You should then repot the Korbmarante immediately and limit the fertilizer in the future. After transplanting you may not fertilize them for several weeks.