How to create a colorful flowerbed - For a colorful summer

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 10 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Tips for Planting a Cottage Garden! 🌸🌿// Garden Answer
Video: Tips for Planting a Cottage Garden! 🌸🌿// Garden Answer


Flowerbeds bring colors to the garden

How to create a colorful flowerbed - For a colorful summer

A colorful flowerbed simply makes you happy, the numerous colors lift your mood and make you want to spend the summer. Read what is really important in the composition of plants and colors.

You must pay attention to this when creating the bed

After all, a flowerbed should not be colorfully thrown together, but should be looked closely at which plants and colors match each other. This is not only useful for a harmonious overall picture, but also important for plant health.

Location and ground

This includes, for example, only in terms of location and care needs zusammenpase species together in a bed. Mediterranean plants, for example, will not tolerate pronounced shade plants, heavyweighers will not tolerate those who prefer a lean soil. It's best to choose the perennials that you like - and see if they match their needs for light, soil, nutrients and moisture. Then it's easier to sort and select.

plant combination

Once that is done, the concrete plant selection follows. Whether you are planning a multicolored or monochromatic bed will be up to you. Impressive are, for example, flowerbeds that play with a powerful lead color - for example, yellow or red - and in which foliage plants, grasses and individual contrasting perennials are planted to loosen up. Also pure white beds - combined with gray, green or blue swabs - attract attention.

Suitable perennials in the most beautiful colors

The following selection gives you some colorful perennials that not everyone in the garden has.


The design is dominated by a few flowering perennials that are framed by stuffed and upholstered perennials as well as by foliage plants and grasses.