Boxwood - care, cutting, wintering

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Boxwood Winter Kill Issues
Video: Boxwood Winter Kill Issues


The boxwood grows fast and should therefore be cut regularly

Boxwood - care, cutting, wintering

Basically, the popular, evergreen boxwood is considered easy to clean. However, its image has suffered greatly in recent years, mainly due to a relatively new fungal disease and a pest introduced from Asia. To keep your book healthy for as long as possible, it needs good care.

Do you have to water boxwood?

Boxwood has a very high water requirement and, depending on the variety, is rather less tolerant to heat and drought. Therefore, prefer to plant the wood in a fresh soil to avoid constant watering in the summer. In very dry and / or hot phases, regular watering is also important for specimens planted in the garden, as well as freshly planted box trees. These should be watered for the first three to four weeks after planting. Always pour from below, never over the leaves and use lime-containing tap water.

When and with what should you fertilize boxwood?

The book is best handled with organic fertilizer, such as a mixture of mature compost, horn shavings and rock salt. This is applied twice a year, once to shoot in spring and once in June. Furthermore, if necessary, a lime fertilization can take place. On the other hand, you should refrain from using coffee grounds, blue seed etc. because of Buch's unfavorable nutrient composition.

How best to cut boxwood?

Boxwood hedges should be cut about once or twice a year, while shapes and figures should be cut up to five times, depending on the growth rate. Even strong cutbacks are well possible, because Buchs reliably expels again - but this can sometimes take a while, because the plant grows only very slowly.

When is the best time for a pruning?

The cutting season lasts from April to September. Boxwood hedges are best cut back between the middle of March and the end of March.

Which pests do you have to pay attention to in the boxwood?

Unfortunately, Buchs is very susceptible to pest infestation. Often these animals are the most common:

Which diseases are common in boxwood?

In particular, fungal diseases can be dangerous to the book, but also viral and bacterial infections are not uncommon.

Does the boxwood need a special winter protection?

With the exception of the more sensitive variegated varieties, the boxwood is hardy and needs no special winter protection. Only specimens cultured in containers should be protected from frost so that the root ball does not freeze:


Bookboxes kept in pots should be repotted into fresh substrate every two to three years. For this you do not necessarily have to use a new pot: Cut back both the roots and the above-ground parts of the plant, then the old planter is sufficient.