Draw a beech hedge yourself - planning and planting

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 8 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
Hampton Court Maze - recreated in Garden Planner
Video: Hampton Court Maze - recreated in Garden Planner


Beech hedges need a nutrient-rich soil to thrive

Draw a beech hedge yourself - planning and planting

To grow a beech hedge yourself is no less expensive than planting a hedge of conifers or other hedge plants. The condition of the soil at the desired location plays an important role. Beech trees do not thrive well in every soil.

A good location is important

To book it may be sunny to partially shaded. If necessary, they also thrive in the shade. However, the location must be right:

On a dry sandy soil, a beech hedge does not grow well. If you can not meet the conditions at the site, rather plant a hornbeam hedge. Hornbeams are not beech, but belong to the birch family. They also thrive well on dry soil.

How many beech trees do you need for your hedge?

To calculate the number of hedges needed for the hedge, measure the desired length later. When they are fully grown, two beech trees should stand per meter.

In the early days, when the trees are still very small, you can also set three to four beeches per meter. But then you have to saw off the surplus plants after a few years.

If the hedge is to become very wide, plant the beeches in zigzag. The planting distance should be 50 centimeters to the other trees.

So plant the beech hedge in the garden

The best planting time for a beech hedge is autumn. Lift a trench about 50 centimeters deep. Loosen the soil well, improve it with compost and, if necessary, drain it. Plant the trees in the trench at the desired distance.

Then the earth is filled up and not too hard around the beech. Now you have to water the new hedge well. In some soils it may be necessary to lull them.

For larger beech trees, place a support post next to the tree where they tie the beech.


When planting a beech hedge you should work as a couple. While one holds the tree, the other fills the earth and kicks it. So the beech stands later really straight.