Beech stingers contain toxic acid and hydrogen cyanide in addition to toxic fagin

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 22 September 2021
Update Date: 19 June 2024
Beech stingers contain toxic acid and hydrogen cyanide in addition to toxic fagin - Garden
Beech stingers contain toxic acid and hydrogen cyanide in addition to toxic fagin - Garden


Beech stingers contain toxic acid and hydrogen cyanide in addition to toxic fagin

As much hydrocyanic acid as bitter almonds do not contain beechnuts. Nevertheless, caution should be exercised when eating raw fruits. It is better to heat the seeds of the beech before consumption by roasting or pour hot water over it.

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Poisoning by hydrogen cyanide in raw beechnuts

Hydrocyanic acid is found in most plant foods, but only in very small quantities, so that the consumption is not harmful. Although the concentration of hydrogen cyanide in raw beechnuts is relatively low, it is significantly higher than in strawberries, for example. As so often, the dose makes the poison. Some of the seeds are safe for most adults to eat and eat raw.

It is different in small children, whose organism can process only very small amounts of hydrogen cyanide. If a child has nibbled several raw beechnuts, the parents should then watch the child well. If symptoms of intoxication occur, the child must be presented to a doctor immediately.

The symptoms of poisoning that children and adults may experience after eating too many raw beechnuts include:

Heating the beechnuts lowers the hydrocyanic acid content

If you have collected large quantities of beechnuts to enjoy as a snack, you should heat the seeds beforehand. The heat dissipates most of the hydrocyanic acid. The remaining amounts in the fruit are safe for human consumption.

It is best to roast the seeds in the pan without fat. Alternatively, you can pour hot water over them. Since hydrocyanic acid vaporizes at temperatures as low as 25 degrees, this method is well suited to reduce the poison content of beechnuts to a healthy level.

If you cut the beechnuts or grind them into flour to make cakes, the baking heat is sufficient to reduce the hydrocyanic acid. However, avoid snacking on the dough before baking.

Tips & Tricks

Roasting or heating the beechnuts not only reduces the hydrocyanic acid content to a wholesome level. The toxic fagin and the equally harmful oxalic acid are also broken down. In addition, the fruits get the right aroma by roasting.